How to Repurpose “Old” Content for Greater Exposure

How would you like to post a really cool video to your website, or create your own channel and post your videos to YouTube? Or, you might want to create a fantastic slideshow and post to a high traffic platform like SlideShare. Wouldn’t having all of that content out there be exciting?

“But,” I hear you asking, “How am I to create all of that new content when I barely have time to eat breakfast in the morning?”

Repurpose old content into new formats

Well, the answer to that question is simpler than you think. You can take your old content and “repurpose” it into new forms; forms that allow you to generate fresh interest without the hassle of finding new stuff to blog about. Simply by finding new forms of expression for content you’ve already created, taking it to video, audio, and slideshows, for example, you can boost the impact of your content, while not forcing yourself to come up with a bunch of fresh ideas.

  • Video repurposing – take a group of images and convert them to video and, voila, you’ve created a video post! Since video is one of the most powerful marketing tools available, and because of its incredible popularity, video repurposing may be the most cost-effective means of using existing content. Plus, the audience is huge, with YouTube alone having billions of viewers every day.
  • Audio repurposing – create a series of audio presentations from a popular series of blog posts you’ve already written. Post these directly to your website, or use them as a freebie to help build your list.
  • Slideshow repurposing – by re-formatting and importing your text and images into PowerPoint, you’ve created a powerful slideshow presentation for your audience.
  • eBook repurposing – where you again use a series of existing posts and, with some new formatting, create a brand new eBook to be used as a freebie – or to sell!

When you choose alternative methods of expression for existing content, you can broaden your audience without the massive time-suck that creating new content can cause. If you are outsourcing your content writing to a ghostwriter or copywriter, you can save money by simply reusing the content you’ve already paid for in new and exciting ways. You can increase the power of the information you’ve worked so hard to offer your audience with new, more impactful presentation methods.

The benefits of repurposed content

When you repurpose content, you are able to …

  • Spread your most-viewed website content over diverse media, turning a single piece of content can into many!
  • Re-Purpose Text -to- Blog Posts -to- Social Media posts -to- Articles -to- EBooks -to- Reports -to- List Building.
  • Broaden your audience and bring more traffic to your website/blogsite.
  • Keep your content fresh and interesting to the search engines, again improving traffic flow.
  • Save time, energy, and money by reusing content you have already created.

The benefits of using repurposed content are many, and obvious. As the saying goes, “Everything old is new again.” So it goes for repurposing your content; creating new energy and new interest without having to burn any new brain cells.

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