Pantone Color of the Year 2024: Peach Fuzz

Yeah, no! We are not referring to the fine hair many women grow on their faces, known as Vellus hair. (And no, removing by shaving or other means will NOT make it grow back thicker or darker.) Rather, we are somewhat entranced by the latest Pantone Color of the Year, labeled Peach Fuzz (13-1023).

According to the influential color consultancy, “Peach Fuzz captures our desire to nurture ourselves and others. It's a velvety gentle peach tone whose all-embracing spirit enriches mind, body, and soul.”

“In seeking a hue that echoes our innate yearning for closeness and connection, we chose a color radiant with warmth and modern elegance. A shade that resonates with compassion, offers a tactile embrace, and effortlessly bridges the youthful with the timeless.” Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director, Pantone Color Institute™

Everything’s Peachy with Pantone 2024

While these descriptions may seem a bit of a reach for a mere color, the company is not pulling its punches and refuses to settle for less. “In home design, Peach Fuzz creates a welcoming ambiance … and can promote feelings of warmth whether it is used on a painted wall or as an accent within a pattern.” (

“A cozy peach hue softly nestled between pink and orange … Peach Fuzz brings belonging, inspires recalibration and an opportunity for nurturing, conjuring up an air of calm, offering us a space to be, feel, and heal and to flourish from whether spending time with others or taking the time to enjoy a moment by ourselves,” expounded Ms. Eiseman.

“Drawing comfort from Pantone Peach Fuzz, we can find peace from within, impacting our wellbeing. An idea as much as a feeling, Peach Fuzz awakens our senses to the comforting presence of tactility and cocooned warmth.”

Whether you believe a gentle, cozy, and warm color like Peach Fuzz (13-1023) can achieve all of these things through the use of paint, wallpaper, furniture fabrics, rugs, and such, is a valid question. Yet, we do know this: each year the Pantone Color of the Year tends to shape “product development and consumer decisions in fashion, industrial and interior design, product packaging and other industry areas” every year. (

There is little reason to doubt that next year will be no exception.

As always, Ted remains available for business consulting to the trade, whether you have questions about the various colors of the year for 2024 or basic business practices. Simply… Contact TD Fall today.