Designer Business Tip – Check Out Homeowner Design Tips

While this blog is focused on the interior design and luxury furnishings industry, we believe it’s important to occasionally take a look at what the so-called “experts” are telling consumers. After all, they are the end-user and ultimate target market for most of you so it behooves you to have a sense of the influences that shape your thinking.

Plus, can’t hurt, right?

Good Housekeeping Interior Design Tips

For example, as recently as the end of last year, was promoting cool grays and monochromatic colors in their featured living room design suggestions. In addition, they were promoting multi-use spaces, versatility, flow, and comfort. (Among quite a few others.)

Certainly not the most innovative of ideas yet, as an influencer since well before the term was invented (they’ve been around for nearly a century-and-a-half), GH continues to be a trusted source for American homeowners. Designers who ignore them do so at their peril.

HGTV Living Room Design Tips

A relative newcomer to the scene, at least compared to Good Housekeeping, HGTV has moved smoothly from television to online influencer. Their website, also tends to be at the top of the Google search results for homeowner design tips. And, not long ago, they too were enamored with contemporary looks and shades of gray.

Beyond these basics, they presented everything from Art Deco settings to rustic, southwest, or coastal feels for living rooms. Whether eclectic or traditional, however, a few things were consistent: comfort, high quality, outdoor exposure, and lighting to fit the mood of every room.

House Beautiful Design & Decorating Tips

More recently, the folks at jumped on the bandwagon with some decidedly trendy (if not downright “out there”) design and decorating ideas for homeowners. Perhaps the most insightful of their suggestions though is the use of texture, whether furniture, rugs, or wallcoverings to “transform a generic space” and turn it into something special. (No arguments here!)

They do not ignore the power of paint when it comes to changing a space, be it on walls or ceilings (which so many homeowners ignore). They also strongly suggest the use of colors the homeowner likes, while taking a few chances on something new here and there. Lighting is important to them, as is simplicity and adding one’s identity to the space.

Versatility and function have become hugely important for homeowners in our post-pandemic world. As have comfort and a sense of “being home.” These qualities are all reflected in the various homeowner design tips we found in our online search. Ultimately, the best designer business tip we can offer is to pay attention to what consumers are being told they should do.

If you're struggling to keep up with all of these sources, or just feel like you could use some guidance from an industry veteran, Ted brings more than 25 years of experience to business consulting for the trade. To learn more… Get in touch with TD Fall today.