Inbound Marketing vs Content Marketing (What’s the diff, if any?)

Online marketing. Internet marketing. Social media marketing. Video marketing. Email marketing. Inbound marketing. Content marketing. “Do this one or your business will die!” “Do that one and your business will grow!” “Do the other thing and your business is guaranteed to grow/die/get better/fail/be profitable/never make money!”

But wait. With the internet being universal, aren’t all those things kinda the same these days? Not so much.

You see, some of these things are broad marketing strategies while others are more specific types of marketing techniques. For example, the two in our title this week: inbound marketing versus content marketing.

As part of your broad-based online marketing strategy, content marketing is aimed at your target audience in general. Inbound marketing is directed at a clearly identified type of potential client; a “buyer persona” that you create as the perfect client for your services (or products).

Content Marketing Strategy

As defined by Wikipedia, “Content marketing is a form of marketing focused on creating, publishing, and distributing content for a targeted audience online.” As you can see, there is nothing about a “persona” or “profile” in this definition of content marketing. Here, your target audience is pretty much anyone who might be interested in your services. This requires you to generate content that has a broad appeal to a diverse audience.

This may be very easy, or very hard. That is, it can be difficult to avoid stating the obvious or sharing platitudes when you write for such an audience because it’s often difficult to focus on exactly who may be interested in your content. It can also be seen as intrusive (and possibly unwanted). On the other hand, when you get it right, the appeal of such content can be far-reaching and may generate interest among folks you had no idea might wish to do business with you.

Such an audience might be defined as:

  • Homeowners

  • Local

  • Single or married with kids

  • Mid- to upper-mid income range

  • Likely works for others

  • Active on social media

  • Pain points are a bit vague and generalized

  • May be interested in DIY training

As you can see, these are essentially categories of people who may someday wish to work with an interior designer or buy from a luxury furniture store. Such timeframes and wishes are by definition vague, as are the categories. However, it is possible to generate interest with content marketing, which can then be used to engage your audience in a more targeted fashion: for example, email campaigns or newsletter subscriptions.

Inbound Marketing Strategy

Requiring in-depth research and marketing know-how, “Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. While outbound marketing interrupts your audience with content they don’t always want, inbound marketing forms connections they are looking for and solves problems they already have.” (

Further, inbound marketing focuses on building a website, its content, and a clearly defined audience. The strategy here is targeted to encourage readers to “perform an action such as inquire, buy a product, or complete a form”. (

Inbound marketing content is interactive. It’s targeted, purposeful, and helpful. It is not intrusive (and therefore not unwanted), because you're providing your audience with content they’re searching for – and need.

Your targeted “buyer persona” or “ideal client profile” for an inbound marketing strategy might include:

  • Owns a home worth $1 million or more

  • Lives in a specific, high-end local neighborhood(s)

  • Is a married female with a family

  • Enjoys an upper-income range for your area

  • May work in a creative profession

  • Likely small business owner, entrepreneur, or other professional

  • Is active on specific social media platforms

  • Has well-defined needs and desires, with distinctive (perhaps unique) pain points

  • Appreciates expert knowledge and professional services from a creative influencer

As you can see, the profile of your potential audience here is far more specific and targeted. It can be narrowed even further with additional research and based upon experiences with previous clients. That is, clients you’ve most enjoyed working with in the past.

Stated simply, inbound marketing does not rely upon a silhouette of what is possible in your audience, but a portrait of who you want your audience to be.

While we do not happen to offer inbound marketing or content marketing support at TD Fall, we do have contacts who can. And, of course, Ted is available for general marketing and business consulting to the industry. Get in touch with TD Fall today.