Manchaha Rugs – New from Jaipur, Introduced at Fall Market

One of the greatest things about attending High Point Market, regardless of the season or circumstances at large, is the introduction of new products. Whether from the competition or in our showroom, seeing new stuff is always exciting. At this year’s fall Market, we have been delighted to introduce a stunning line of handcrafted, artisanal floor coverings, Manchaha rugs from Jaipur.

Manchaha is a Hindi word popular in our weaving community. It means “Expression of my heart”. The line is a sustainable development initiative where weavers get to design their own rugs for the first time ever. It taps into the untamed fashion in rural India by nurturing their creative potential and transforms a community from exploitation to empowerment.

Unparalleled Craftsmanship and Creativity

With designs that are truly from the heart for these uncommonly talented yet previously ignored rural weavers, the intricacy of design and attention to detail on display left many who saw the line of Manchaha rugs for the first time speechless. Made with leftover batches of yarn, each rug is one of a kind. Handcrafted with impeccable attention to detail and made from the weaver’s design, each rug tells a unique story.

Handcrafted Artisanal Rugs from Jaipur

The Manchaha Rugs Collection from Jaipur is evocative, prompting a different emotional response in everyone who sees these marvelous rugs. Like works of art, each piece is handmade using leftover, handspun yarn batches. Besides being an impressive example of sustainable production, this results in rugs as unique in design as they are in color.

While the phrase “Expression of my heart” could not be more appropriate for us at TD Fall, the meaning of the word is far more dramatic... Stunning and Unique.

The intricacy of design, stunning craftsmanship, and availability are hallmarks of this new line of rugs from Jaipur.

Needless to say, while it can be exhausting, we love going to High Point, and this year’s Fall Market, with so many new home furnishing lines, was no exception.

Looking for more new home furnishing collections, news about High Point Fall Market, the latest interior design trends, marketing tips, and ideas? Get in touch with TD Fall today.